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Krystian's Q2 2024 Update

MrDocs This quarter, my primary focus was on MrDocs. To that end, I’m happy to say that the P0 milestone for MrDocs has been reached! Although the vast majority of the work I did was bug hunting/fixing, I also implemented a novel feature which detects and simplifies types that use the SFINAE idiom. Prior to C++20, the primary mechanism for constraining templates was through use of the SFINAE idiom, e.g.: template<typename T> std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer_v<T>, T> f(T);...

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Braden's Q2 2024 Update

Speaking at C++Now At C++Now 2024, I gave my first full-length conference talk, titled “Unit testing an expression template library in C++20”. The slides are up at this link. As of the time of writing, the talk has not yet been uploaded to YouTube. In this talk, I explored the current state of compile-time unit testing in C++ in the well-known unit testing libraries. I also discussed my own methods for unit testing at compile-time. This talk especially focuses on giving helpful diagnostics ...

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Alan's Q2 Update 2024

Summary MrDocs Boost Libraries Boost Release Tools Boost Website C++ Github Actions MrDocs MrDocs is a tool for generating reference documentation from C++ code and javadoc comments. I have been overseeing and reviewing all contributions to the project. Krystian has focused on metadata extraction and issues related to Clang. Fernando has been tackling usability, critical bugs, and essential features. I’m enhancing the CI setup and working on Antora extensions, which wil...

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Dmitry's Q2 2024 Update

In the second quarter of 2024 implementing direct parsing for Boost.JSON has finally been completed. Direct serialisation will support all the same types as direct parsing, including recently-added std::path. After this addition, Boost.JSON’s set of conversion features is almost full. The only missing part is the ability to use a sort of temporary proxy type for conversion. E.g. converting from user type to std::string, then converting the string to JSON string. This is not strictly needed fo...

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Kenneth's Q2 2024 Update

Project Overview: Website Development During the second quarter of 2024, my primary focus has been on the development and enhancement of the new website. This project has been a significant undertaking, aimed at improving the online presence of the Boost C++ Libraries and providing a more user-friendly experience for our community. Key Accomplishments: Onboarding to the C++ Alliance and Repository Being a newer member of the team, I’ve been getting onboarded ont...

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