Summary MrDocs Boost Libraries Boost Release Tools Boost Website C++ Github Actions MrDocs MrDocs is a tool for generating reference documentation from C++ code and javadoc comments. I have been overseeing and reviewing all contributions to the project. We have been using the GitHub project to guide our work toward the goals defined in the Gap Analysis, the MVP, and the Product Pitch. Krystian has focused on metadata extraction and issues related to Clang. Fernando has be...
Here’s an overview of some projects I have been working on the last few months. Jenkins The main focus this quarter has been an overhaul of the Jenkins installation. We have been running a Jenkins instance to generate documentation previews for many Boost repositories, as well as JSON benchmarks, and lcov/gcovr code coverage analysis. The jobs were configured as Freestyle Projects, the “classic, general-purpose job type”. These have all now been replaced by “Multibranch Pipeline”. Each cate...
Boost.Hash2 I’m happy to report that the library I helped Peter Dimov develop, Hash2, was accepted after probably one of the most thorough Boost reviews to have happened in recent history. I can’t claim to have contributed all too much to the design. After all, Hash2 was an implementation of Types Don’t Know #. But I did come along and help implement myriad algorithms and help with the absolutely massive testing burden. Interestingly, I think people who don’t sit and write/maintain Boost li...
Boost.MySQL 1.87 I already anticipated in my previous post that Boost 1.87 was going to be an exciting release for the users of Boost.MySQL. Many new features have been promoted to stable, making using the library much more enjoyable. After putting the final touches during this last month, Boost 1.87 was released on December the 12th with all these new features. Many of these changes make frequent tasks much easier. In this post, we will review some of the recommendations that changed in th...
During Q4 2024, I’ve been working in the following areas: Boost.Unordered Updated CI support (PR#293, PR#296, PR#297, PR#298). Prepared a private document for Peter Dimov and Braden Ganetsky discussing massively parallel scenarios where ParlayHash has better performance than boost::concurrent_flat_map. We haven’t been able to progress much further than that in Q4 2024, mainly because of my lack of availablity for this specific task. I’ve set up and run benchmarks comparing indivi::fl...