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Initial Work On Certify Complete

Initial work on Certify complete It’s been mentioned in my initial blog post that I’d be working on a TLS certificate store abstraction library, with the intent of submitting it for formal review for Boost, at some point in the (hopefully near) future. The initial setup phase (things that every Software Engineer hates) is more or less complete. CI setup was a bit tricky - getting OpenSSL to run with the boost build system on both Windows and Linux (and in the future MacOS) has provided a lot ...

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Gold Sponsor Of Cppcon 2018

The Alliance is a Gold sponsor for CppCon 2018. This conference is the annual, week-long face-to-face gathering for the entire C++ community. The conference is organized by the C++ community for the community. Attendees enjoy inspirational talks and a friendly atmosphere designed to help individuals learn from each other, meet interesting people, and generally have a stimulating experience.

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Damian Jarek Joins As Staff Engineer

Damian Jarek joins the Alliance as Staff Engineer. Previously he worked on a number of embedded networking projects for a few major clients. As a Staff Engineer he’ll be working on an open-source companion library for Boost.Beast and Boost.Asio, which will abstract away the platform-specific details of acessing system proxy settings and performing TLS verification of a peer certificate chain using the operating system’s key store.

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Marshall Clow joins as a Staff Engineer

Marshall Clow joins the Alliance as a Staff Engineer. Previously, he worked at Qualcomm for many years. Most of his time is spent working on libc++, the C++ standard library implementation for LLVM. He is also a member of the C++ standards committee, currently serving as the chair of LWG, the library working group. Marshall has been contributing to the Boost libraries since 2001, and is the author of the Boost.Algorithm library. Furthermore he maintains several other boost libraries, and mode...

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The Law Firm for Non-Profits engaged

The Alliance engages The Law Firm for Non-Profits for legal representation and services. They are passionate about supporting, advocating for and partnering with non-profits and the people behind them. For more than three decades, those looking for assistance with non-profit law throughout the United States and around the world have relied on the attorneys of The Law Firm for Non-Profits for superior legal and business guidance.

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