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Damian's April Update

This month I’ve been working on the following projects: Certify Boost.Beast Boost.Build BeastLounge Certify Certify did not have any platform-independent means of caching certificate status (i.e. revoked, valid, unknown), so I implemented one. For now it has to be manually filled, but I’ll add a way to import a static blacklist (somewhat similar to the builtin blacklist in Chrome) and query the status of a certificate. Unfortunately there is no way to handle OCSP stapling within th...

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Marshall's April Update

There are four main areas where I spend my time. Libc++, where I am the “code owner” WG21, where I am the chair of the Library Working Group (LWG) Boost Speaking at conferences Libc++ The next big milestone for libc++ is the LLVM 9.0 release this summer. We’re working towards that, implementing new features and fixing bugs. As the “code owner” for libc++, I also have to review the contributions of other people to libc++, and evaluate and fix bugs that are reported. That’s a neve...

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Damian's March Update

This month I’ve been working on the following projects: Certify Boost.Beast Boost.Build BeastLounge Certify Certify now properly verifies the hostname of a TLS server according to RFC 2818 or TLS-DANE if available. Additionally, initial support for CRLSets has been merged, although it’s still missing integration into the verification code. I’ve also invested a fair bit of time into researching what other open source libraries do to perform certificate status checking. I’ve looked ...

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Marshall's March Update

There are four main areas where I spend my time. Libc++, where I am the “code owner” WG21, where I am the chair of the Library Working Group (LWG) Boost Speaking at conferences This month, I spent far more time reviewing other people’s code and preparing talks for conferences than the previous few months. The Boost release process consumed a fair chunk of time as well. Libc++ The big news is: we released LLVM 8 this month! (March 20th). You can get the sources and pre-built bina...

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Certify X509 Validation

Certify - X509 certificate validation I always knew that validating a certificate chain presented by a peer is not an easy procedure, but my recent work in Certify to port over the procedure from Chromium has only proven that I underestimated the complexity of it. Certificate revocation seems to be a particularly hard issue, with 2 main categories of solutions - offline and online validation. Online validation - OCSP OCSP is a protocol designed to allow checking the revocation status of a ce...

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